Browsing Centre

Information and Communication Technology has become necessary in today’s global world. Every institution must have compulsorily computer and internet facilities for its students and staff at one place. Every individual require access for many computer related work like emails, search for academic related material, project preparation, online classes, attending of seminars, workshop, online taxation filing, web browsing, computer certificate courses etc. The user can also be provided with some additional facilities like photocopying, printing of documents and project reports at a single centre. Browsing centre can prove as one the best student and staff support centre as almost all the correspondences and work are computer related now a days.

Objectives for establishing Browsing Centre

  • To promote ICT enabled services in the college
  • To provide internet and computer facilities to students and staff.
  • To promote and establish online learning platform.
  • To provide additional facilities like photocopying and printing for students and staff.
  • To provide a platform for online classes, seminar, workshops etc.
  • To encourage computer literacy programme and provide infrastructure inputs.
  • E-resource support for students.
  • To help in managing Management Information System for college to provide better information access to all the stakeholders.
  • Resource mobilization by utilizing centre for online examination conducted by various agencies.

Activities to be undertaken in Browsing Centre

  • Web browsing
  • Internet and computer access by students and staff.
  • Video conferencing
  • Organize online classes, workshops, seminars whenever required.
  • Photocopying and printing facilities during online access and project work.
  • Hub for E-content resources for all UG and PG programmes.
  • Arranging computer and internet space for computer literacy programmes, certificate courses and online examinations with uninterrupted supply of electricity and high speed internet facilities.
  • Preparation of different modules for providing information to stakeholders.


  • The students who are enrolled in the college for UG and PG programmes.
  • The college staff. Aspiring students appearing for online examinations.
  • The students enrolled in different certificate courses.
  • Academic staff preparing E-content course material, organizing online seminars, workshops.

Browsing Centre Rules

  • Students must present a valid ID card before entering the Browsing Centre.
  • Playing of games on computer in the Centre is strictly prohibited.
  • Maximum time allowed for a student in the Centre is 30 minutes.
  • Users are strictly prohibited from downloading, viewing or distributing any offensive materials (for example pornography, profane language etc.)
  • Before leaving the lab, users must close all programs positively and keep the desktop blank.
  • Users are strictly prohibited from modifying or deleting any important files and install any software or settings in the computer
  • Eating and/or drinking inside the computer labs is strictly prohibited.
  • Internet facility is only for educational/ study purpose.
  • Silence must be maintained in the lab at all times.
  • The lab must be kept clean and tidy at all times.
  • If any problem arises, please bring the same to the notice of Centre in-charge.
  • No bags/ hand bags/ rain coats/ casual wears will be allowed inside the computer lab, however note book may be allowed.
  • Lab timing will be as per the academic time table of different classes
  • Every user must make an entry while entering in the Centre and also at the time of exit from the lab.
  • Each student or visitor must take mobile phones in “Switched Off” mode while entering and or working in the Centre.
  • Conversation, discussion, loud talking & sleeping are strictly prohibited.
  • Students are not allowed to use personal Pen Drives, CDs, DVDs etc., in a Computer Lab. Only prescribed official Pen Drives, CDs, DVDs etc. will be used in the Computer Lab to avoid VIRUS in Computers.
  • No duplicate or pirated Software(s) will be allowed to be used in a Browsing Lab.
  • Use of Computer for personal work is prohibited. However, permission for doing personal work may be given by the Principal.
  • Users must turn-off the computer before leaving.
  • In case of theft / destruction of the computers or peripherals, double the cost of the lost will be charged from the student/user.
  • Keep your passwords to yourself. Change your password right away if you think someone else may know it.
  • Browsing Centre is for academic purposes. Therefore, a quiet atmosphere is required. Noisy students will be asked to leave.
  • Computer Lab Assistants are available to assist with BASIC computer and software problems. They are not tutors and will not tell you how to complete your assignments.
  • The use of cell phones is prohibited in the Browsing Centre.
  • Computer games are not to be played in the Centre.
  • Unauthorized copying and/or installing of unauthorized software is not permitted. This may be a violation of copyright laws.
  • Tampering with the hardware or software settings will not be tolerated.
  • Students found Internet surfing or chatting for personal reasons may be asked to leave. Preference is given to students doing course work over those engaged in personal computer use.
  • Personal files are not to be stored on the local drive C. Students are responsible for providing their own means of digital storage. All lab computers are set up to remove any data stored or any programs installed by users.
  • Children and friends of students are not allowed in the computer lab. The computer lab is an adult learning environment, and is not suitable or safe for children.
  • DO NOT leave your personal belongings at the computer. The College is not responsible for items left behind.
  • Sleeping in the lab is not permitted.

Browsing Center

Browsing Center

Browsing Center

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